Synthesis of vinyldihydropyrane by cooperative catalysis

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Bojan Vulović
Ivana Marić
Radomir Matović
Radomir N. Saičić


D5-Unsaturated aldehydes with a suitably positioned allylic halide, or phosphate, leaving group undergo doubly-catalyzed cyclization to give dihyd­ropyran derivatives. The cyclization proceeds under the synergetic action of diazabicycloundecene and Pd(PPh3)4. This type of transformation was also accomplished with an aryl ketone.


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B. Vulović, I. Marić, R. Matović, and R. N. Saičić, “Synthesis of vinyldihydropyrane by cooperative catalysis”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 81, no. 12, pp. 1335–1343, Dec. 2016.
Organic Chemistry


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