Leaching of heavy metals from wood biomass ash, before and after binding in cement composite Scientific paper

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Dijana Drljača
Ljiljana Vukić
Dajana Dragić
Aleksandra Borković
Tatjana Botić
Pero Dugić
Saša Papuga
Marko Šolić
Snežana Maletić
Petar Gvero
Jelena Savković


Wood ash is a complex mixture of inorganic and organic compounds. It is heterogeneous in composition, which can vary considerably. Ash is mainly disposed of in landfills, which creates a risk for air, soil and groundwater con­tamination by trace elements. In order for wood biomass ash to be used as a secondary raw material, it is necessary to perform leaching tests, to determine which microelements it contains, and which of them could be released into the environment during the ash disposal. Sequential extraction (SE) showed that in the exchangeable and carbonate fraction, the most volatile metals As, Cd, Zn and Pb are released the most from the ash of deciduous trees, while the leach­ing of ash from coniferous trees is significantly lower. The evaluation of risk assessment code (RAC) for the tested biomass ash samples, indicates that Pb is a high-risk leaching element due to its condensation on the ash particles. By performing toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) and synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP) tests, it was established that the rel­eased concentrations of tested metals are below the maximum allowable con­cen­tration, given by the regulation. The leaching tests of composites, prepared from wood ash in combination with cement, indicate that the leaching of ash is reduced to a minimum, and that all heavy metals are bound in a cement matrix, which indicates the possibility of using wood ash for construction purposes.


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How to Cite
D. Drljača, “Leaching of heavy metals from wood biomass ash, before and after binding in cement composite: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 1091–1108, Aug. 2022.
Environmental Chemistry


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