Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry system applied to determine botanical origin of various types of edible vegetable oils

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Kristian Pastor
Vesna Vujasinović
Ana Marjanović Jeromela
Djura Vujić
Djordje Jovanović
Marijana Ačanski


This study represents a new strategy for discrimination of 59 samples of various cold-pressed, virgin and refined edible vegetable oils according to the corresponding botanical origin. Samples were produced from 17 plant species: olive, sunflower, safflower, flax, pumpkin, sesame, hemp, walnut, hazelnut, almond, grape, black cumin, apricot, plum, soybean, wheat and rape­seed. A GC/MS device performing in a ion current (IC) mode, combined with multivariate clustering, was employed in the analysis. Derivatization reaction occurred in the injector of a gas chromatograph. The discriminations between species were based on marker-peaks of 9 molecular ions of dominant fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), which were chosen as descriptors: m/z 268, 270, 292, 294, 296, 298, 324, 326 and 354. Dendrogram obtained after performing clus­ter analysis shows clear discriminations of the analyzed samples, based on the belonging botanical origin. These results demonstrate that IC-GC/MS approach with cluster analysis could be a useful tool in rapid screening for botanical origin of commercial samples of various edible vegetable oils.


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How to Cite
K. Pastor, V. Vujasinović, A. Marjanović Jeromela, D. Vujić, D. Jovanović, and M. Ačanski, “Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry system applied to determine botanical origin of various types of edible vegetable oils”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 84, no. 9, pp. 1017–1025, Oct. 2019.
Analytical Chemistry


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