Elemental composition of selected lichen species growing on the Balkan Peninsula Scientific paper

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Snežana Tošić
Aleksandra Pavlović
Ivana Dimitrijević
Ivana Zlatanović
Violeta Mitić
Gordana Stojanović


The amount of nineteen elements in eleven different lichen species, six fruticose (Bryoria capillaris, Bryoria fuscescens, Cladonia rangiformis, Rama­lina capitata, Usnea chaetophora and Evernia prunastri) and five foliose (Hypogymnia tubulosa, Lobaria pulmonaria, Peltigera horizontalis, Umbili­c­aria cylindrica and Umbilicaria crustulosa) from five natural areas of the Bal­kan Peninsula (Serbia and Bulgaria) were determined by using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Among macro­nut­rients, the highest content was observed for Ca and K, while Mg and Na were represented in the smallest amount. Fe, Mn, Zn and Ba were the most abundant trace elements in contrast to Cd and Co, whose concentrationс wеre the lowest.


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How to Cite
S. Tošić, A. Pavlović, I. Dimitrijević, I. Zlatanović, V. Mitić, and G. Stojanović, “Elemental composition of selected lichen species growing on the Balkan Peninsula: Scientific paper”, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., vol. 87, no. 11, pp. 1313–1325, Aug. 2022.
Analytical Chemistry

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